Filing an Amended Return

A nonprofit may discover that its previously filed Form 990 was incorrect.  This may be due to a bookkeeping error, an oversight, or for some other reason.  When this occurs, the organization should determine whether an amended return should be filed.  Normally an amended return should be filed under the following circumstances.

  • Gross receipts were omitted.
  • There is a change in the status of a public charity.
  • There is a change in unrelated business income. 

When an amended return is needed, the entire Form 990, along with any required schedules needs to be refiled.  In addition, the “amended return” box on page 1 of the return should be checked.  The organization should also include an explanation on Schedule O as to the reason for the amended return and which parts of the return were changed.  If a copy of the original Form 990 was filed with the state, a copy of the amended return should also be sent to the state.  As with any 990, amended returns should also be made available to the public.

Posted by: Carrie Minnich, CPA

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