Pension valuations are used to help define the value of marital assets in divorce cases. DWD values defined benefit plans which provide for the pensioner to receive a stated value upon his or her retirement date through his or her lifetime. We use a present value formula based on the pensioners life expectancy—established using gender and race.
The following are the items needed to prepare a pension valuation:
- Date of valuation (which is usually the date the divorce was filed)
- Race of the pensioner
- Date of marriage
- Date of pensioner’s birth
- Date of employment (as related to the pension plan being valued)
- Date of employment termination (if applicable)
- Retirement date (we use the earliest date possible without a reduction in benefits)
- Estimated amount of monthly annuity to be received upon retirement – based on a single life annuity.
If the pensioner is already in retirement and receiving benefits, we would need to know the amount of the monthly benefit and if the benefits cover the pensioners lifetime only or if benefits are provided to a beneficiary upon his/her death.
DWD provides a quick turn-around once all the information is received. There are numerous online companies offering this service, however, it can be frustrating not having a live person to assist you or answer any questions you may have. Valerie McHarry, a CPA in our Marion office, has provided pension valuations since 2007.
Please have your attorney contact Valerie McHarry for additional information regarding pension valuations.