Indiana Automatic Taxpayer Refund Checks

Earlier in 2022, Governor Holcomb had signed legislation giving a qualifying individual taxpayer a refund of $125.  The taxpayer did not need to do anything except file their income tax return for 2021.  The payments started being released in May 2022.  Some payments are being issued by direct deposit if the taxpayer requested direct deposit of their 2022 income tax refund.  If there is no direct deposit account, then the taxpayer may receive a refund check via postal mail.   

On August 5, 2022, Governor Holcomb signed another piece of legislation giving a qualifying individual taxpayer an additional $200 refund.  These payments began appearing via direct deposit on August 19.  Paper checks may not be issued until October.    

Have you received your refunds yet?  No.  The Auditor of State’s Office says you should not be worried yet.  You should give their office until after November 1, 2022, if you have not received your refund.  If you have an INTIME account set up with Indiana, the individual taxpayer can check the status of the above payments on that website. 

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